Budget - Sports Management


Importance of Budget

  • 1. Needed for Planning future course overall activity
  • 2. Organisation of Competition
  • 3. Arrangement for Equipment 
  • 4. Preparation of Play Ground
  • 5. Arrangement of Refreshment 
  • 6.Awards and Trophies 
  • 7. Officials 
  • 8. Guest
  • 9. Publicity
  • 10. Uniform and Dressing 

 Criteria of Budget

  • Budget is a operational plan for define period of Time
  • Knowledge of all Aspects of Expenses
  • Budget should be on easy Format
  • Knowledge about Expenses and Expenditure

Purpose of Budgeting 

  • Transitive / Objective into Expending Pattern
  • Planing makes Derivation
  • Allow and Utilisation of Finance/Money
  • To Financial Success

Preparing of Budget

  • Organisational and Structured
  • Statistical data
  • Chart of Account
  • Managerial Support
  • Formal Budget process and Procedure 

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